Wednesday, July 7, 2010

If an invading Army came to liberate you but started instead imposing curfews and random home searches?

If the came into your home and treated your wife with casual disrespect. If the arrested your son without probable cause. Kept him for days beating and questioning him then released him with out charge. Would you join an insurgency?If an invading Army came to liberate you but started instead imposing curfews and random home searches?
Yes, again, I would. I know you're doing a clever point-of-view switch, because that's what we're doing to the Iraqis, but still--yeah.If an invading Army came to liberate you but started instead imposing curfews and random home searches?
Depended if I was a shite or a sunni muslim.
Why is Clinton going back to Waco?
grow up
I wouldn't kill INNOCENT people.

Why do you stand up for these bandits and criminals?
damn right - and i'm great with a hunting rifle and 500 yards space
I would vote for Democrats because I would want my country to fail.
Yes ,because they are looking out for the safety of innocent people.I would only wonder why it is taking so long the invade and liberate Iran and Syria
You're complaining about curfews? As if liberation should be instantaneous?? LOL

Is your son guilty? Does the Army have good reason for suspecting him? As to ';without charge,'; we're not just talking about suspected criminals. War is different.

What am I being liberated from? An unbelievably brutal dictator who launched wars without good reason, who used weapons of mass destruction without good reason, who murdered lots and lots of his own citizens, who tortured lots and lots of his own citizens?

Who are the curfews aimed at? Lousy terrorists who want to brutally oppress me again?

And when you say ';join an insurgency,'; are you saying that EVERYBODY that resists this invading Army is simply defending their country, nobly?

No, I'd be pretty patient with this invading Army.
It's worked before. It's the normal pattern, and sometimes there are insurgencies, sometimes not. History suggests that one of the best things that can happen to a country is to lose a war to the US, so if I were in Iraq, I'd try to be patient.
If wishes were horses would beggars ride?

If is the biggest word in the english language. But, I'll answer your question with this question (I like socratic answering!): If the guilty parties were brought to justice would you stop fighting?

Let's also look at the actions of those overthrown:

Uday and Qusay raped 12 year old schoolgirls, and those who tried to refuse were beaten senseless, having legs, ribs, and sometimes even their pelvises broken. They tortured their national sports team if they did poorly. Heck! They even tortured their ';friends'; who disagreed with them. Sounds like some great rulers! Real gems!
no!!....and i resent the implication.
Sounds like the BUSH IDIOTS in IRAQ....making more enemies everyday.

I wish the US Army would go thru Crawford ,Texas...knocking doors down and chasing shadows...see hoe ROTTEN HEARTED americans would like it

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